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IHC World


IHC World, the premier information resource about immunology, histology, histopathology, image analysis, apoptosis, antibody, tissue microarray, has become one of the most popular life science information network in the world.

The information is comprehensive, informative, and up-to-date. By searching this site, you can find antibodies, histology and IHC products and services, protocols, methods and techniques, books, as well as other innovative life science technologies.

Innovative Histology, IHC and Tissue Microarray

Products, Reagents, Equipments & Supplies

IHC World  Products by Categories


IHC Antibodies

IHC-Tek Reagents

IHC Detection System

IHC Staining System

Special Stain Kits

Histology Reagent

Histology Equipments

Histology Supplies

Tissue Array Instruments

Cryoembedding System


Tissue Bank



IHC World  Products

IHC World  Services

Innovative Histology and IHC Products, Reagents, Equipment and Supplies.

  • IHC-plus Antibodies

  • IHC-Tek Reagents

  • IHC Detection System

  • IHC Staining System

  • Special Stain Kits

  • Histology Reagents

  • Histology Supplies

  • Histology Equipments

  • Tissue Array Instruments

  • Cryoembedding System

  • Tissue BankTMA Slides

  • Microscopes & Accessories

IHC World is now offering full range of Histology, IHC and TEM Services.

  • Routine Histology Services

  • Special Staining

  • IHC Validation Service

  • Immunohistochemistry

  • Immunofluorescence

  • Neurohistology Service

  • Whole Mount IHC Staining

  • Electron Microscopy (TEM)

  • Digital Image and Analysis

  • Histopathological Evaluation

  • Tissue Microarray Construction

  • Whole Slide Scanning Service

IHC World  Knowledge Center

IHC World  Protocol Database

Comprehensive learning center covers basic & advanced methods, techniques & Protocols.

  • Immunohistochemistry Introduction


  • Histology FAQs

  • Technical Tips & Tricks

  • Troubleshooting

  • Histopathology Artefacts Quiz

Compiled based on published literatures, laboratory submissions and experimental data.

  • Histology Protocols

  • IHC/ICC Protocols

  • Antibody Staining Protocols

  • General Lab Protocols

  • Laboratory Manuals

  • eBooks and Guildes

IHC World  Search Engines

IHC World  Life Science Videos

Help researchers & life scientists to easily find products, services, jobs, protocols & answers.

  • Antibody Search Engine

  • Histonet Search Engine

  • Protocol Search Engine

  • IHC Store Product Search

  • Histology Job Search Engine

Educational video lectures, animations, tutorials, virtual laboratories and more.

  • Histology Video Lectures

  • Laboratory Technique Videos

  • Histopathology Video Series

  • Video Animations

  • Video SeminarsVideo Conference

  • 關(guān)于我們
  • 購物流程
  • 支付方式
  • 配送方式

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