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德國(guó)Progen www.progen.de






應(yīng)用于腺相關(guān)病毒滴定、脂肪酶活性測(cè)定、C3a 測(cè)定和細(xì)胞活素多元分析的試劑和用于產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)的微球體。


Progen develops, produces and markets tests for patient glucose testing, infectious diseases and products for biomedical research. In recent years, PROGEN continuously widened its product range and its distribution platform in Germany and France in the point-of-care and laboratory diagnostics segments.

PROGEN's Laboratory Diagnostics business unit offers in Germany

tests for hemostasis and coagulation and lipid metabolism research developed by PROGEN and Mascia Brunelli.

a wide range of ELISA and IFA tests for the detection of infectious diseases from PROGEN and Zeus Scientific, Inc. as well as multiplex suspension chips for the Luminex100 platform (Luminex Corp.), produced by Multimetrix GmbH.

multiplex arrays for the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases for the Luminex100 from Zeus Scientific, Inc.

PROGEN's Point-of-Care business unit markets a new glucometer for patient self-testing (GlucoTalk) rapid diagnostics from Axis-Shield PoC in Germany and France. These tests have been developed for diabetic patients, practitioners, pharmacies, emergency rooms and hospitals:

GlucoTalk for blood glucose monitoring

NycoCard? for quantitative determination of CRP, HbA1c, D-Dimer and microalbumin.

Bluetest for pregnancy testing

PROGEN's business unit Research Products markets a broad and unique range of antibodies, polypeptides and research tools for routine pathology, medical research and cell biology.

antibodies for cell differentiation, lipid research, neurobiology, microbiology

Hyperphage, primer sets, expression vectors for use in molecular biology laboratories

research tests for AAV titration, lipase activity measurement, C3a determination and multiplex analysis of cytokines, microsphere beads for product developers

density gradient media for cell separation and purification from Axis-Shield PoC

The service and production laboratories at PROGEN develop and produce custom-made recombinant viruses (AAV and Adenoviruses) for gene expression, functional gene analysis, and RNA silencing in academic research units and R&D departments of commercial entities. This includes

vector development and production of recombinant AAV (serotypes 1 – 5) and Adenovirus

quality control of recombinant viruses (particle titer, infectious titer of AAV and Adenovirus)

process development for viral purification systems

Associated Companies  Progen

Progen Biotechnik GmbH is lead investor of Peptide Speciality Laboratories GmbH (PSL) in Heidelberg and Multimetrix GmbH in Regensburg. PROGEN Biotechnique in Evry, France, markets the infectious diseases diagnostics from PROGEN and Multimetrix and the NycoCard? system from Axis-Shield PoC in France.

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