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Seven Hills Foundation and Affiliates

64 Years of Defining Dignity

Seven Hills Foundation has a 64-year history of caring for people who have the ability to thrive when given the support, respect and dignity that all human beings deserve. The basic principal of serving others is the cornerstone of the foundation upon which Seven Hills is built.

Since a group of parents in Central Massachusetts came together to advocate for their children in 1951, the momentum of advocacy and social justice has grown exponentially. Seven Hills Foundation now stands as one of the most dynamic and comprehensive health and human services agencies in the country. With over 160 locations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and seven countries abroad, Seven Hills is the premier provider of comprehensive supports for people with significant life challenges.

SevenHills is leading the way in the development and delivery of a wide spectrum of clinical, educational and behavioral health services.

Models of behavioral health interventions focus on wellness and recovery, utilizing wrap-a-round models of Medication Assistive Therapies and Positive Behavioral Supports. Children and *****s who need medically intensive interventions are supported with clinical expertise and compassion in the least restrictive environments, with care second to none. People with disabilities and other life challenges, like poverty or trauma, are given the educational supports and services they need to meet success head-on in pursuit of their dreams. Families are supported though an array of professional staff, trained to council, educate and empower, so that they are better prepared to weather life’s challenges. At all times, access to one’s own community of choice is supported and encouraged, enabling people to live valued and meaningful lives.

SevenHills Foundation makes all this possible through the servant leadership of its 3,800 professional employees, who represent 58 different countries. The value of diversity and respect for each person's individuality is the fabric of the culture of Seven Hills.

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