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GenDEPOT公司 Western Blot預(yù)制緩沖液及相關(guān)產(chǎn)品目錄


1. 樣品裂解

類別 產(chǎn)品名稱 貨號  規(guī)格
裂解緩沖液 RIPA Cell Lysis Buffer (1X) with EDTA R4100-010 100 ml
RIPA II Cell Lysis Buffer with Triton (1X), without EDTA R4200-010 100 ml
Xpert Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Solution (100X) P3100-001 1 ml
Xpert Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail Solution (100X) P3200-001 1 ml
Xpert Duo Inhibitor Cocktail Solution (100X) P3300-001 1 ml
蛋白瓊脂糖 Puredown Protein A-Agarose, BSA-Binding Site Blocked P9201-015 1.5 ml
Puredown Protein G-Agarose, BSA-Binding Site Blocked P9202-015 1.5 ml
Puredown Protein A/G-Agarose, BSA-Binding Site Blocked P9203-015 1.5 ml
Bradford (Coomassie) Protein Assay Plus Kit P7200-050 Kit
Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) Protein Assay Kit P8100-050 Kit
蛋白質(zhì)樣品緩沖液 Laemmli Sample Buffer (4X), Reducing L1100-001 10 ml
Laemmli Sample Buffer (4X), Non-Reducing L1200-001 10 ml
Native Sample Buffer (4X) N2300-002 20 ml



類別 產(chǎn)品名稱 貨號                      規(guī)格
SDS-PAGE凝膠 Acrylamide : bis 30%, 29:1 Solution A0418-050 495 ml
Acrylamide : bis 40%, 29:1 Solution A0421-050 495 ml
1.5M Tris-HCl Buffer (pH 8.8) T8101-050 500 ml
0.5M Tris-HCl Buffer (pH 6.8) T8102-050 500 ml
10% SDS Solution S0792-050 500 ml
20% SDS Solution S0793-050 500 ml  
Ammonium Persulfate (APS) Tablets, 150 mg A7503-020 20 Tablets
TEMED T0512-002 25 ml
運行染色液 Tris, Ultra Pure T9200-100 1 Kg
Glycine, 99% G0610-100 1 Kg
SDS, 99% Ultra Pure S0800-100 1 Kg
10X Tris-Glycine SDS buffer (Running buffer) T8053-050 500 ml
蛋白質(zhì)標志物 Prosi Prestained Protein Marker P8500-040 2 X 200 μl
Xpert Prestained Protein Marker P8502-050 2 X 250 μl
Xpert 2 Prestained Protein Marker P8503-050 2 X 250 μl
凝膠染色 ProsiBlue Gel Staining Solution P7300-050 500 ml

3. (Wet) Transfer

類別 產(chǎn)品名稱 貨號  規(guī)格
轉(zhuǎn)印膜 West-Q PVDF Membrane, Roll, 0.22 um, 270mm x 3M W7031-270 Roll
West-Q PVDF Membrane, Roll, 0.45 um, 270mm x 3M W7032-270 Roll
NitroPure Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane,Roll, 0.22 um , 300mm x 3M LC7033-300 Roll
NitroPure Nitrocellulose Transfer Membrane,Roll, 0.45 um , 300mm x 3M LC7034-300 Roll
轉(zhuǎn)印緩沖液 10X Tris-Glycine Native Buffer (Transfer buffer) T8052-050 500 ml
膜染 Ponceau S Solution P9100-010 100 ml

4. Western Blot

類別 產(chǎn)品名稱 產(chǎn)品貨號  規(guī)格

Blocking Albumin, Ultra pure Bovine Serum Albumin A0100-010 100 g
20X TBS Buffer, pH 7.4 T8054-050 500 ml
10X TBST Buffer, pH 7.4 T8056-100 1L
Tween 20, Molecular Biology Grade T9100-010 100 ml
Incubation Case (5 slots) DWG003 1 EA
二抗 Goat anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-HRP, 1 mg/ml SA001-500 500 μl
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L)-HRP, 1 mg/ml SA002-500 500 μl
Rabbit anti-Goat IgG(H+L)-HRP, 1 mg/ml SA007-500 500 μl

5. Detection

類別 產(chǎn)品名稱 貨號       規(guī)格

West-Q Chemiluminescent Substrate Kit, Plus  W3651-012 120 ml
West-Q Pico ECL Solution W3652-020 200 ml
West-Q Pico Dura ECL Solution  W3653-020 200 ml
West-Q Femto Clean ECL Solution W3680-010 100 ml

West-Q ECL Selection guide

產(chǎn)品名稱 貨號 產(chǎn)品特點 檢測范圍
West-Q Chemiluminescent Substrate Plus Kit  W3651 High sensitivity & stable signalsEconomical
West-Q Pico ECL Solution  W3652 High sensitivity & stable
signalLow background
Low Picogram
West-Q Pico Dura ECL Solution W3653 High Sensitivity & Stable SignalExcellent
Signal Persistence
Low Picogram
West-Q Femto Clean ECL Solution  W3680 Very high sensitivity & stable
signalsVery low background


滬公網(wǎng)安備 31011202007338號

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