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熱烈慶祝上海拜力生物成為Kamiya Biomedical Company中國區(qū)授權(quán)代理商

KAMIYA BIOMEDICAL COMPANY由 Kohji Kamiya 于 1983 年 3 月在加利福尼亞州千橡市創(chuàng)立,并于 1996 年遷至華盛頓州西雅圖市。我們公司的宗旨是為生命科學(xué)和醫(yī)學(xué)界提供*高質(zhì)量的創(chuàng)xin實(shí)驗(yàn)室研究和診斷工具. KAMIYA 是一家獨(dú)立的美國公司,服務(wù)于全球市場。

自 1983 年以來公司的**個產(chǎn)品是蛋白激酶抑制劑、星形孢菌素及其類似物 K252a。Staurosporine 是由 2015 年諾貝爾獎獲得者 Satoshi Ohmura 博士于 1977 年發(fā)現(xiàn)的。這是**個市售的星形孢菌素。今天,星形孢菌素是生命科學(xué)研究領(lǐng)域*受歡迎的研究工具之一。

如今,KAMIYA產(chǎn)品線包括數(shù)以千計(jì)的人類和動物的生物標(biāo)志物的檢測與ELISA試劑盒在世界上*大的選擇之一**前試驗(yàn)。 神谷繼續(xù)提供各種其他生命科學(xué)研究產(chǎn)品,包括酶抑制劑和單克隆/多克隆抗體,用于各種領(lǐng)域,包括細(xì)胞凋亡、多藥耐藥、氧化/DNA 損傷和修復(fù)、骨生物學(xué)、癌癥、心臟健康、炎癥、壓力、肥胖癥和糖尿病。

1997 年,KAMIYA推出了基于免疫比濁技術(shù)的全系列**診斷和研究免疫分析產(chǎn)品,用于脂質(zhì)評估、凝血、炎癥、糖尿病、營養(yǎng)評估和血清蛋白測量。K-測定法 試劑開發(fā)用于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化學(xué)分析儀,無需混合、溶解或稀釋試劑或樣品,具有特殊價(jià)值。

zui近,KAMIYA推出了新的創(chuàng)xinK-ASSAY 化學(xué)分析儀試劑,用于胰島素、D-二聚體、XIII 因子、血漿 FDP、血清/尿液 FDP 和總 IgE 檢測。



研究檢測試劑盒(人類)- DNA/氧化損傷
產(chǎn)品名稱 產(chǎn)品描述 規(guī)格 貨號
8-iso-Prostaglandin F2alpha ELISA Kit, General Quantify 8-isoprostane in about 3 hours. Suitable for use with urine, plasma, serum, or cell lysates. 8-iso-PGF2alpha included as positive control 96assays KT-923
8-OHdG DNA Damage ELISA, General Detect as little as 100 pg/mL of 8-OHdG. Suitable for use with serum, urine, cells, or tissues. 8-OHdG standard included. 96assays KT-977
8-OHdG ELISA For the quantitative determination of 8-OHdG in urine, serum, plasma, tissue, and other biological samples. Assay Range: 0.5 - 200 ng/mL. Includes calibrators. 96 tests KT-447
8-OHdG ELISA, High Sensitive For the high sensitive quantitative determination of 8-OHdG in urine, serum, tissue, and other biological samples. Assay Range: 0.125 - 10 ng/mL. Includes calibrators. 96 tests KT-448
8-oxoguanine DNA glycosydase (hOGG1) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests CSB-E12686h
Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit, General Detect AGE as low as 0.5 μg/mL. AGE-modified BSA and reduce BSA included as standards. Compatible with cell lystates, plasma, serum, and purified proteins. 96assays KT-988
Aldehyde-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (Ethenoadenosine Quantitation), General Detect as little as 50 nM of ethenoadenosine. Suitable for use with DNA isolated from cells or tissues. Unknown samples are compared with a provided ethenoadenosine standard. 96assays KT-953
Aldehyde-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (Ethenocytidine Quantitation), General Detect as little as 625 nM of ethenocytidine. Suitable for use with DNA isolated from cells or tissues. Unknown samples are compared with a provided ethenocytidine standard. 96assays KT-954
BPDE DNA Adduct ELISA Kit, General For detection and quantitation of benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) DNA adducts. BPDE-DNA standard included. Suitable for use with DNA samples such as cell or tissue genomic DNA. 96assays KT-938
BPDE Protein Adduct ELISA Kit, General For detection and quantitation of benzo(a)pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE) protein adducts. BPDE-BSA standard included. Suitable for use with protein samples such as purified protein, plasma, serum, or cell lysates 96 assays KT-904
Catalase (CAT) ELISA kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests CSB-E13635h
Cellular UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP), General Measure (6-4) photoproduct structures of DNA lesions induced by UV light. Detect structures in intact cells in ELISA kit formats. 96assays KT-919
Cellular UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD), General Measure CPD structures of DNA lesions induced by UV light. Intact cells are cultured in a 96-well plate and CPD measured by ELISA. 96assays KT-917

熱烈慶祝上海拜力生物成為Kamiya Biomedical Company中國區(qū)授權(quán)代理商

熱烈慶祝上海拜力生物成為Kamiya Biomedical Company中國區(qū)授權(quán)代理商

研究檢測試劑盒(人)- 細(xì)胞因子
產(chǎn)品名稱 產(chǎn)品描述 規(guī)格 貨號
Butyrophilin Subfamily 3, Member A1 (BTN3A1), Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-37313
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily, Member 9 (TNFRSF9), Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-37821
Amphiregulin (AR) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-6321
Amphiregulin(AR) ELISA For quantitative detection of human Amphiregulin in cell culture supernates, serum, plasma (heparin, EDTA), saliva, and human milk. Assay Range: 15.6 - 1,000 pg/mL. 1 kit KT-1139
Anti-Interferon Beta Antibody (Anti-IFNb) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-37004
Anti-Interferon Gamma Antibody (Anti-IFNg) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-37005
Anti-Interleukin 12 Antibody (Anti-IL12) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-37003
Anti-Interleukin 6 Antibody (Anti-IL6) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-37001
Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Antibody (Anti-TNFa) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-37006
B-Lymphocyte Chemoattractant 1 (BLC1) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-8381
BDNF ELISA For quantitative detection of human BDNF in cell culture supernates, serum, and plasma (heparin, EDTA, citrate). Assay Range: 31.2 - 2,000 pg/mL. 1 kit KT-1153
Betacellulin (bTC) ELISA Kit, Human For quantitative detection in human samples. 96 tests KT-8344
Betacellulin/BTC ELISA For quantitative detection of human Betacellulin in cell culture supernates, serum, and plasma (heparin, EDTA). Assay Range: 15.6 - 1,000 pg/mL. 1 kit KT-1154
熱烈慶祝上海拜力生物成為Kamiya Biomedical Company中國區(qū)授權(quán)代理商

熱烈慶祝上海拜力生物成為Kamiya Biomedical Company中國區(qū)授權(quán)代理商
熱烈慶祝上海拜力生物成為Kamiya Biomedical Company中國區(qū)授權(quán)代理商

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