
  文件名稱:  Innovative Research Human ELISA Kits Animal ELISA Kits Total Antigen Assay Kits Activity Assay Kits
  公司名稱:  上海拜力生物科技有限公司
  下載次數(shù):   1679

Innovative Research Human ELISA Kits Animal ELISA Kits  Total Antigen Assay Kits Activity Assay Kits

Human ELISA Kits
Animal ELISA Kits
Total Antigen Assay Kits
Activity Assay Kits
For Plasma & Serum Samples
For Biofluids & Tissue Lysates

Offering a wide range of Assay & ELISA Kits for various in-vitro research applications and areas of research. We deliver reliable, consistent products that produce reliable, consistent results all study long.

At Innovative Research, we understand just how important it is to source reliable, consistent products to meet exact research needs. We offer a wide range of assay and ELISA Kits that are ultra-sensitive, fast to perform, and that deliver quick, reliable results kit to kit, lot to lot.

HUMAN ASSAY & ELISA KITS We offer a wide-ranging portfolio of human assay and ELISA kits that are ultra-sensitive and can be performed in as little as 90 minutes. Many kits are available in "Total Antigen Assay" and "Activity Assay" options to deliver the exact rapid, accurate results that matter. Kits available for plasma/serum samples, biofluids, and more.

ANIMAL ASSAY & ELISA KITS From large mammals to small rodents, our portfolio of assay and ELISA kits are here to make your in-vitro research easier than ever. With highly sensitive assays, total antigen assays, activity assays, and specialized kits, you can count on Innovative Research for the high-quality kits that deliver fast, accurate results every time.

MANY AREAS OF RESEARCH Our kits are applicable to a wide range of research areas from coagulation and fibrinolysis to markers of inflammation, cancer, and vaccine research, and so much more. Innovative Research has the wide portfolio of reliable and consistent kits and reagents trusted by top researchers and institutions around the world.
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