
  文件名稱:  Innovative Research Specialized Animal Products
  公司名稱:  上海拜力生物科技有限公司
  下載次數(shù):   1944

Innovative Research Specialized Animal  Products

Of f e r i n g a r a n g e of Specialized Animal Products You may be familiar with our animal biologicals, especially those from farm animals (bovine, porcine, sheep, horse, chicken) and small rodents (mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig). But that’s not all we do! Did you know that we offer a line of whole blood and blood-derived products, as well as proteins, enzymes, and antibodies, from more specialized sources including alligator, donkey, emu, goose, llama, salmon, snake, and trout? It’s never been easier to access the exact biomaterials you need for your research! We’re often asked for specialized animal biospecimens for use as standards or controls and these products are here for even the most specific of research applications.

Products Available Include: ? Alligator Whole Blood ? Donkey Blood Products & IgG Proteins ? Emu Red Blood Cells ? Goose Whole Blood & Blood Cells ? Llama Plasma & RBCs ? Salmon DNA Purifications ? Snake Proteins & Enzymes ? Trout Whole Blood

Custom Collections We know how important it can be to source just the right biomaterials, and we are able to accommodate many specific collection requests and customizations to ensure that you’re receiving the exact biologicals you need.

Regular Shipments Need alligator blood delivered the first Wednesday of every month? No problem, this is what we do! We can set up regular shipments of your favorite products so you can rest easy knowing you’ll have what you need, delivered when you need it.

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