
  文件名稱(chēng):  BioAimScientific 1010007 人干擾素γ快速ELISA試劑盒 人干擾素γ試劑盒 Human IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA Kit
  公司名稱(chēng):  上海拜力生物科技有限公司
  下載次數(shù):   357

BioAimScientific 1010007 人干擾素γ快速ELISA試劑盒 人干擾素γ試劑盒 Human IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA Kit

Human IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA KitHomeRESEARCH TOPICSNeuroscienceHuman IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA Kit

Human IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA Kit

Human IFN-gamma ELISA Kit

Human IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA Kit

Catalog No : 1010007



Product Features

Product Name           Human IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA Kit
Assay Type                   Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA
Format                           96-well strip plate
Assay Process             One wash step, two incubations
Assay Length              1.5 hours
Sample Volume         Serum , Plasma, 50μL
Detection Method    Colorimetric
Sensitivity                   20 pg/mL
Assay Range                81.9-20000 pg/mL
Reactivity                     Human
Cross-Reactivity       No cross-reactivity observed with available related molecules
Gene Names               IFNG; IFG; IFI
Gene ID                         3458
Swissprot ID               P01579



Sample Type     Average % Recovery Range %
Serum     80 75-97
Plasma     93 87-100


Sample Type Dilution % of Expected
Serum 1:2 72
1:4 78
1:8 83
Plasma 1:2 74
1:4 85
1:8 80

Standard Curve: Human IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA Kit

Human IFN-gamma ELISA Kit


Kit Components

? Pre-Coated 96-well Strip Microplate
? Wash Buffer
? Stop Solution
? Assay Diluent
? Standards
? Bioaim human IFN-gamma mix
? TMB One-Step Substrate

Protocol Outline

1. Prepare all reagents, samples and standards as instructed in the manual.
2. Add 50 μl of standard or sample to each well.
3. Add 50 μl of  Bioaim mix.
4. Incubate 1 h at RT.
5. Wash and add 100 μl of TMB One-Step Substrate Reagent to each well.
6. Incubate 15 min at RT.
7. Add 50 μl of Stop Solution to each well.
8. Read at 450 nm/570 nm.


IFN-gamma (Interferon-gamma) is the prototype proinflammatory cytokine and is produced by a variety of immune cells under inflammatory conditions, notably by T cells and NK cells. FNγ is secreted by T helper cells , cytotoxic T cells and NK cells only. IFNγ is the only Type II interferon and it is serologically distinct from Type I interferons; it is acid-labile, while the type I variants are acid-stable. It plays a key role in host defense by promoting the development and activation of Th1 cells, chemoattraction and activation of monocytes and macrophages, upregulation of antigen presentation molecules, and immunoglobulin class switching in B cells. It also exhibits antiviral, antiproliferative, and apoptotic effects.

In addition, IFN-gamma functions as an anti-inflammatory mediator by promoting the development of regulatory T cells and inhibiting Th17 cell differentiation. IFN-gamma dimers signal through a receptor complex of two IFN-gamma R1 and two IFN-gamma R2 subunits.


The entire kit may be stored at -20°C for up to 1 year from the date of shipment. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles. The kit may be stored at 4°C for up to 6 months. For extended storage, it is recommended to store at -80°C.

Regulatory Status      

Human IFN-gamma EasyTest? ELISA Kit is for Research Use Only.

BioAim Scientific Inc. All Rights Reserved. Unit 6, 27 Casebridge Court, Scarborough, ON, Canada. M1B 4Y4.

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