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FX-ID Factor X deficient plasma
品牌:Haematologic Technologies
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Factor Deficient Plasmas PRODUCT INQUIRY Deficient Plasmas Haematologic Technologies factor deficient plasmas are for RESEARCH USE ONLY or for further manufacture into in vitro diagnostic reagents. Our deficient plasmas are manufactured from normal, citrated human plasma, and are immunodepleted of the appropriate antigen. One exception is factor VIII deficient, which is chemically depleted of f

商品詳情 參考文獻(xiàn) 相關(guān)資料
Factor Deficient Plasmas PRODUCT INQUIRY Deficient Plasmas Haematologic Technologies factor deficient plasmas are for RESEARCH USE ONLY or for further manufacture into in vitro diagnostic reagents. Our deficient plasmas are manufactured from normal, citrated human plasma, and are immunodepleted of the appropriate antigen. One exception is factor VIII deficient, which is chemically depleted of factor VIII activity while retaining normal antigen content (i.e. CRIM+ plasma). Each plasma is then fully assayed to ensure the proper activity of the remaining factors (>50% activity), and is tested for fibrinogen, PT, aPTT, and clarity values. The deficient plasmas currently available are factors II, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII and ATIII and are available in 1 mL and 50 mL vials for research applications. Please inquire about bulk quantities. Haematologic Technologies deficient plasmas are shipped frozen on dry ice, and have a five (5)-year expiration when stored continuously at -70oC. FII-ID Prothrombin deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use. FV-ID Factor V deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use. FVII-ID Factor VII deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use. FVIII-CD Factor VIII deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use. FIX-ID Factor IX deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use. FX-ID Factor X deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use. FXI-ID Factor XI deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use. FXII-ID Factor XII deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use. ATIII-ID Antithrombin deficient plasma Pricing: Please Inquire SAFETY DATA SHEET Notes Research use only - not for diagnostic use.
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