
Tel:400-968-7988    021-33779008
DDC Mass Spect Gold, Alcohol and Nicotine Free【MSG3200】100 mL 300 mL 1L
品牌:Golden West Diagnostics
規(guī)格:100 mL 300 mL 1L
應(yīng)用: 點(diǎn)擊這里給我發(fā)消息  咨詢客服

DDC Mass Spect Gold, Alcohol and Nicotine Free Mass spect gold processed drug, alcohol, and nicotine free, human serum, delipidized suitable for LCMS and ultra-sensitive immunoassay applications.

商品詳情 參考文獻(xiàn) 相關(guān)資料

DDC Mass Spect Gold, Alcohol and Nicotine Free

Mass spect gold processed drug, alcohol, and nicotine free, human serum, delipidized suitable for LCMS and ultra-sensitive immunoassay applications.


100 mL  $390
300 mL  $725
1L $1,500
  • Size
    Choose an option100 mL300 mL1 L

SKU: MSG3200
Product Description
Test Specifications Unit Of Mesasure Methodology
Glucose 65 – 105 mg/dL Hexokinase
B.U.N. 7 – 14 mg/dL Berthelot
Creatinine 0.7 – 1.4 mg/dL Jaffe
Sodium 131 – 151 mmol/L ISE
Potassium 3.5 – 5.5 mmol/L ISE
Chloride 85 – 108 mmol/L ISE
Calcium 5.0 – 10.0 mg/dL Arsenazo III
Total Protein 4.8 – 5.5 g/dL Biuret
Cholesterol ≤10 mg/dL Enzymatic
Triglycerides ≤10 mg/dL GPO
d-methamphetamine None Detected GCMS
d,1-amphetamine None Detected GCMS
Amobarbital None Detected GCMS
Butalbital None Detected GCMS
Phenobarbital None Detected GCMS
Pentobarbital None Detected GCMS
Secobarbital None Detected GCMS
Codeine None Detected GCMS
Proxyphene None Detected GCMS
Nordiazepam None Detected GCMS
Delta-9-THC None Detected GCMS
Delta-9-THC-COOH None Detected GCMS
Benzoylecgonine None Detected GCMS
Methadone None Detected GCMS
Methaqualone None Detected GCMS
Morphine None Detected GCMS
Morphine-β-d-glucuronide None Detected GCMS
Phencyclindine None Detected GCMS
EDDP None Detected GCMS
Nitrazepam None Detected GCMS
MDMA None Detected GCMS
6-Mono-Acetylmorphine None Detected GCMS
Oxazepam None Detected GCMS
Ethanol None Detected GCMS
pH 7.0 - 7.5 pH Meter
Bioburden ≤1 USP/BAM
Amphetamines No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Benzodiazepines No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Benzoylecgonine No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Barbitutates No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Cannabinoids No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Opiates No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Methadone No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Methaqualone No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Phencyclidine No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Propoxyphene No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Ethanol No Interfering Substances Syva EMIT
Catalog Number: MSG3200
Preservative: None
Storage: -20 °C or colder
Filtration: 0.1 μm
Source: Human serum converted from plasma
Country of Manufacture: USA
Country of Origin: USA


Each unit of plasma used in the preparation of this material was tested and found negative for HIV 1/2, HBsAg, HCV, HIV-1 (NAT), HCV (NAT) and RPR by FDA Approved Methods.


Products are intended for research or manufacturing of non-injectable products only.

The safe and responsible handling of the product(s) listed above us the responsibility of the customer. We accept no liability for injury resulting from their use or handling. The customer assumes responsibility for the proper disposal of all materials in accordance with Federal and State regulation.

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