
Tel:400-968-7988    021-33779008
HDAC5 Lentiviral Vector (Mouse) (Cumate) (Cumate-pLenti-Cloning-SV40-GFP)

HDAC5 Lentiviral Vector (Mouse) (Cumate) (Cumate-pLenti-Cloning-SV40-GFP)

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Procedure Overview
Product Application
  • Direct non-viral plasmid transfection for immediate expression
  • Package into Lentiviral particles for high efficiency transduction and stably integrated expression
  • Gene Insert HDAC5
    Accession Number NM_001077696
    Vector Cumate-pLenti-Cloning-SV40-GFP
    Vector Size 8830 bp
    Insert Size 3348 bp
    Species Mouse
    Tags No Tags
    Promoter CMV5-CuO
    Selection Marker Bacterial: Kanamycin. Mammalian: Puromycin
    Format Lentiviral Plasmid
    Viral Packaging The suggested packaging mix for this vector is Cat# LV003, 2nd Generation Packaging Mix.
    Alternatively, you can also use Cat# LV053, 3rd Generation Packaging Mix
    Appearance Clear Liquid
    Storage Buffer 10mM Tris-HCI, 1mM EDTA, pH8.0
    Stability 1 year when stored at -20°C or lower in a non-frost free freezer.
    User Manual
    Disclaimer 1. Disclaimer for transcript variants: The provided accession number refers to the transcript (mRNA) sequence for this product. The molecular sequence of this clone aligns with the gene accession number as a point of reference only. However, individual transcript sequences of the same gene can differ through naturally occurring variations (e.g. polymorphisms), each with its own valid existence. This clone is substantially in agreement with the reference, but a complete review of all prevailing variants is recommended prior to use. All sales are final.
    2. Disclaimer for gene sequence: The provided accession number refers to the transcript (mRNA) sequence for this product. Please verify that this is the desired transcript sequence by cross-referencing. This is important because a single gene can have multiple different transcripts owing to naturally occurring variations. All sales are final.
    3. Disclaimer for intended use: All of abm's vectors and viral particles are for research use ONLY and NOT for therapeutic/diagnostic applications. abm is not liable for any repercussions arising from the use of its vector(s) in therapeutic/diagnostic application(s).
    4. Disclaimer for extra nucleotides: Cloning may lead to the insertion of extra nucleotides at the 5' or 3' end of the gene of interest which, in most cases, is innocuous to the stability/functionality and the expression of that gene.
    5. Disclaimer for the stop codon: The stop codon for the inserted gene is located after the 3' cloning site in our GIII vectors. Our GIII vectors contain open ORF inserts (no stop codon) to allow for subsequent insertion into other vectors with C-terminal tags or C-terminal fusion proteins if desired. Please note that a stop codon will need to be added by PCR to the end of the gene insert if no tag or fusion protein is needed in subsequent vectors.
    Guarantee abm guarantees that the correct ORF construct is provided and the mRNA expression is displayed upon successful transduction. If this is not the case, we will provide a one-time replacement. Customers must provide adequate data to show >80% transfection efficiency with a positive control, plus additional qPCR data to evaluate the level of gene expression. The replacement will not be covered by the same guarantee.

    Please note that due to the large number of variables applicable, any further expression analysis (e.g. protein expression) is not covered by the guarantee, as such analysis is dependent on the end user's experimental conditions.
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