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GenCatch TM Plasmid DNA Mini-Prep Kit
品牌:Epoch Life Science
貨號:2160050 2160250

GenCatch TM Plasmid DNA Mini-Prep Kit Catalog# size Price Quantity 2160050 50 Mini Preps $45.00 2160250 250 Mini Preps $185.00 Description DNA Mini Prep GenCatch TM Plasmid DNA Mini Preparation provides a simple, fast and cost-effective method to purify plasmid DNA without phenol/chloroform extraction. It is based on binding of DNA to silica-based membranes in a chaotropic salt. An avera

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GenCatch TM Plasmid DNA Mini-Prep Kit Catalog# size Price Quantity 2160050 50 Mini Preps $45.00 2160250 250 Mini Preps $185.00 Description DNA Mini Prep GenCatch TM Plasmid DNA Mini Preparation provides a simple, fast and cost-effective method to purify plasmid DNA without phenol/chloroform extraction. It is based on binding of DNA to silica-based membranes in a chaotropic salt. An average yield of 1-20 ug plasmid DNA can be expected from 1-5 ml overnight bacterial culture. Detailed Components High quality spin columns, collection tubes together with buffers and protocols. Features Fast: Up to 24 samples can be readily prepared in 30 minutes with minimum efforts. Flexible: Mini columns can used in either centrifugation procedure or using a vacuum manifold. Convenient: No phenol extractions or ethanol precipitations required. Yield: 4-20μg of DNA from 2ml of culture Quality DNA prepared by this kit is suitable for many downstream molecular manipulations including PCR, ligation, restriction enzyme digestion, transformation and transfection, radioactive and fluorescent sequencing. Technical Data DNA Mini Prep Plasmid DNA ranging from 4 to 12 kb purified from E. coli DH5a with GenCatch Plasmid DNA Miniprep Kit and run on 1% agarose gel. DNA Mini Prep Restriction enzyme digestion of pBluescriptSK plasmid purified by GenCatch Plasmid DNA Miniprep Kit and analyzed on a 1.5% agarose gel. DNA Mini Prep Sequencing result of plasmid pBluescriptSK purified by GenCatch Plasmid DNA Miniprep Kit using ABI 3730xl sequencer.規(guī)格:50 Mini Preps 250 Mini Preps
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