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2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix
品牌:Vivantis Technologies
規(guī)格:100 applications
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Home RNA Amplification Products 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix Description 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix offers rapid and sensitive end-point detection of RNA templates in a single step. 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix is an optimized ready-to-use 2X concentrated RNA amplification mixture co

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Home  RNA Amplification Products  2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix

2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix

2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix offers rapid and sensitive end-point detection of RNA templates in a single step. 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix is an optimized ready-to-use 2X concentrated RNA amplification mixture containing M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase, RNase Inhibitors, Taq DNA Polymerase, reaction buffer and dNTPs. It contains all the components required for routine RNA amplification except template and primers. Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (M-MuLV) Reverse Transcriptase has the absence of RNase H activities that enhance the synthesis of long cDNAs and amplification of long transcripts. 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix allows one-step RT-PCR using only gene-specific primers. 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix contains the inert red dye and stabilizers that allow the direct loading of final PCR products onto gels for electrophoresis. The red color dye migrates at approximately 400bp on 1% agarose gel in 1X TBE Buffer.


  • Suitable for all routine RNA amplification applications.
  • Reduces set-up time and buffer-dye mixing
  • Minimizes potential contamination due to reduced number of tests and pipetting steps.
  • Easy confirmation of complete mixing
  • No additional loading dye needed – direct loading of final products onto gels.

440U M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase, RNase Inhibitors, 1.5U Taq DNA Polymerase, 1X PCR Buffer, 0.2mM dNTPs Mix, inert red dye and enhancers / reaction

Supplied with
Nuclease-free Water

Quality Control
All preparations are assayed for contaminating endonuclease, exonuclease, and non-specific RNase activities. Functionally tested in RNA amplification.

Storage and Stability

  • 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix is stable at -20°C for one year or 4°C for 6 months if properly stored.
  • 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix is stable for 20 freeze-thaw cycles. To avoid frequent freeze-thaw, keeping small aliquot at -20°C is recommended.
  • For daily use, keeping an aliquot at 4°C is recommended.
Catalog No Description Pack Size
RTMM02 2X ViRed OneStep Taq ReverseTrans PCR Master Mix 100 applications
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