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ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit
品牌:Vivantis Technologies
規(guī)格:150 reactions
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Home ViPrimePLUS Real-Time PCR Kits Veterinary Infection qPCR/RT-qPCR Kits Canine & Feline ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit Description The ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit is a Taqman probe-based real-time PCR assay for the detection of Feline Coronavirus genome in faeces and saliva.

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ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit

The ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit is a Taqman probe-based real-time PCR assay for the detection of Feline Coronavirus genome in faeces and saliva.
Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) is a single stranded RNA virus which infects wild and domestic cats. The virus is often classified into two groups. The highly pathogenic strain, feline infectious peritonitis viruses (FIPV) may cause lethal systemic disease, while the less severe enteric coronaviruses (FECV) infection is mainly asymptomatic or only causes mild diarrhoea which is self-limiting. The “in vivo mutation” theory suggested that FIPV arises from the mutation of the parental FECV in the gastrointestinal tract of an infected cat and spreads systemically, causing FIP. FCoV is shed in faeces and in lesser amount in the saliva, thus they are spread primarily via faecal-oral route. Cats with weak immune system tend to develop the effusive or ‘wet’ form of the disease, where the accumulation of fluids in the abdomen and chest leads to breathing difficulty. For cats with partial mediated immune system may develop the non-effusive or ‘dry’ form of the disease in which granuloma lesions are observed in eyes, central nervous system and peritoneal cavity, resulting in more diverse signs. 
ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit is intended for research use only.

Kit Component

  • FCoV Primers and Probe Mix (FCoV PPM)
  • Positive Control
  • Internal Extraction Control Primers and Probe Mix (IEC PPM)
  • Internal Extraction Control (IEC DNA)
  • Nuclease Free Water
  • Template Preparation Buffer

Product Specification

Technology Taqman probe-based real-time PCR assay
Type of Nucleic Acid Kit RNA
Kit Storage Shipped in room temperature, store at -20℃ on arrival
Sample Material Feline samples (e.g. faeces, saliva)
Gene Target Nucleocapsid (N) gene
Detection Limit 10 to <100 copies per reaction
Sensitivity & Specificity Ct value 28±3 with probability of 95%
Controls Included ? Internal Extraction Control (IEC) as inhibition control
? Positive control
Channels ? FAM channels detect pathogen amplicons
? VIC/HEX channel detects IEC amplicons

Ordering Information

Catalog No Description Pack Size
QV2007 ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit 150 reactions


ViPrimePLUS Feline Coronavirus RT-qPCR Kit

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