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Anti-KCNQ5 Antibody APC-155
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Item Name Anti-KCNQ5 Antibody Item Name APC-155 Catalog Number 50 μl Quantity $367 Price in USD Each antibody ordered from Alomone Labs is supplied with its corresponding control peptide (antigen), free of charge. A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to KCNQ5 (Kv7.5) Channel Description 0 CAS Number Room temperature

商品詳情 參考文獻(xiàn) 相關(guān)資料

Item Name Anti-KCNQ5 Antibody
Item Name APC-155
Catalog Number 50 μl
Quantity $367
Price in USD Each antibody ordered from Alomone Labs is supplied with its corresponding control peptide (antigen), free of charge. A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to KCNQ5 (Kv7.5) Channel
Description 0
CAS Number Room temperature
Transportation condition -20
Storage conditions Yes
Standing stockyes or no ) Alomone
廠商品牌 Alomone Labs
廠商品牌別名 進(jìn)口試劑采購網(wǎng)www.201788.cn
Item Name Anti-KCNQ5 Antibody
Item Name APC-155
Catalog Number 0.2 ml
Quantity $475
Price in USD Each antibody ordered from Alomone Labs is supplied with its corresponding control peptide (antigen), free of charge. A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to KCNQ5 (Kv7.5) Channel
Description 0
CAS Number Room temperature
Transportation condition -20
Storage conditions Yes
Standing stockyes or no ) Alomone
廠商品牌 Alomone Labs
廠商品牌別名 進(jìn)口試劑采購網(wǎng)www.201788.cn
Item Name Anti-KV1.8 Antibody
Item Name APC-157
Catalog Number 25 μl
Quantity $247
Price in USD Each antibody ordered from Alomone Labs is supplied with its corresponding control peptide (antigen), free of charge. A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to KV1.8 Channel
Description 0
CAS Number Room temperature
Transportation condition -20
Storage conditions Yes
Standing stockyes or no ) Alomone
廠商品牌 Alomone Labs
廠商品牌別名 進(jìn)口試劑采購網(wǎng)www.201788.cn
Item Name Anti-KV1.8 Antibody
Item Name APC-157
Catalog Number 50 μl
Quantity $367
Price in USD Each antibody ordered from Alomone Labs is supplied with its corresponding control peptide (antigen), free of charge. A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to KV1.8 Channel
Description 0
CAS Number Room temperature
Transportation condition -20
Storage conditions Yes
Standing stockyes or no ) Alomone
廠商品牌 Alomone Labs
廠商品牌別名 進(jìn)口試劑采購網(wǎng)www.201788.cn
Item Name Anti-KV1.8 Antibody
Item Name APC-157
Catalog Number 0.2 ml
Quantity $475
Price in USD Each antibody ordered from Alomone Labs is supplied with its corresponding control peptide (antigen), free of charge. A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody to KV1.8 Channel
Description 0
CAS Number Room temperature
Transportation condition -20
Storage conditions Yes
Standing stockyes or no ) Alomone
廠商品牌 Alomone Labs
廠商品牌別名 進(jìn)口試劑采購網(wǎng)www.201788.cn

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