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Cyanine5 NHS ester
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訂購(gòu)貨號(hào) 產(chǎn)品名稱及規(guī)格 價(jià)格(¥) 13020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 1 mg 1430.00 23020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 5 mg 2730.00 43020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 25 mg 5330.00 53020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 50 mg 9035.00 63020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 100 mg 15470.00

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Cyanine5 NHS ester

Cyanine5 NHS ester



訂購(gòu)貨號(hào) 產(chǎn)品名稱及規(guī)格 價(jià)格(¥)
13020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 1 mg 1430.00
23020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 5 mg 2730.00
43020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 25 mg 5330.00
53020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 50 mg 9035.00
63020 Cyanine5 NHS ester, 100 mg 15470.00



在過(guò)去的幾年里,CY5熒光團(tuán)已經(jīng)成為生命科學(xué)研究和診斷領(lǐng)域非常流行的分子標(biāo)記物。這些熒光素的*強(qiáng)發(fā)射光為紅光,在這個(gè)范圍大多數(shù)CCD檢測(cè)器具有*大檢測(cè)靈敏度,而且是生物物質(zhì)低背景區(qū)。染料的顏色是非常強(qiáng)烈的,因此在凝膠電泳中低至1nmol的量都能被肉眼觀測(cè)到。CY5 NHS ester是用于標(biāo)記多肽、蛋白和寡核苷酸的氨基基團(tuán)的活性染料。在標(biāo)記反應(yīng)中該染料需要少量的有機(jī)共溶劑(如DMF,DMSO)(請(qǐng)參照我們的推薦手冊(cè)以獲得更多幫助信息)。對(duì)于可溶性蛋白、各種各樣的多肽和寡核苷酸而言,這種染料是非常理想而且成本低廉的。該染料在有機(jī)溶劑對(duì)小分子物質(zhì)的標(biāo)記也是非常有效的。對(duì)于更多的精細(xì)目標(biāo)物,如易降解蛋白,如果DMF或DMSO會(huì)對(duì)其有影響,可以考慮water-soluble Cy5 NHS ester(水溶性Cy5 NHS ester染料),因?yàn)樗鼈儾恍枰袡C(jī)溶劑助溶,而且具有和熒光染料類似的性質(zhì)。


CY5熒光團(tuán)可以與很多的儀器如熒光顯微鏡、成像儀、掃描儀、熒光分析儀等相兼容。許多的CY5衍生物——CY5 NHS ester可以替代Alexa Fluor 647和 DyLight 649等活化酯(activated esters)。








Cy® is a trademark of GE Healthcare.

General properties



dark blue powder

Molecular weight:


Molecular formula:


CAS number:

1032678-42-4, 350686-88-3


good in polar (DMSO, DMF) and chlorinated (DCM, chlroform) organic solvents, low solubility in water

Quality control:

NMR 1H (95%) and 13C, TLC, functional testing

Storage conditions:

Storage: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.



Spectral properties


Excitation maximum, nm:


Extinction coefficient at excitation maximum, Lmol-1cm-1:


Emission maximum, nm:


Fluorescence quantum yield:



Product citations

  • Geertsema, H.J.; Kulczyk, A.W.; Richardson, C.C.; van Oijen, A.M. Single-molecule studies of polymerase dynamics and stoichiometry at the bacteriophage T7 replication machinery.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2014, 111(11), 4073-4078. doi:10.1073/pnas.1402010111
  • Graen, T.M.D.; Hoefling, M.; Grubmüller, H. AMBER-DYES: Characterization of Charge Fluctuations and Force Field Parameterization of Fluorescent Dyes for Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation2014, 10(12), 5505-5512. doi: 10.1021/ct500869p
  • Hu, X.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Liu, H.; Qin, C.; Cheng, K.; Robinson, W.; Gray, B.D.; Pak, K.Y.; Yu, A. et al.Optical imaging of articular cartilage degeneration using near-infrared dipicolylamine probes.Biomaterials2014, 35(26), 7511-7521. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.05.042
  • Novo, L.; Rizzo, L.Y.; Golombek, S.K.; Dakwar, G.R.; Lou, B.; Remaut, K.; Mastrobattista, E.; van Nostrum, C.F.; Jahnen-Dechent, W.; Kiessling, F. et al. Decationized polyplexes as stable and safe carrier systems for improved biodistribution in systemic gene therapy. Journal of Controlled Release2014, 195, 162-175. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.08.028
  • Zhang, Y.; Ge, C.; Zhu, C.; Salaita, K. DNA-based digital tension probes reveal integrin forces during early cell adhesion. Nature Communications2014, 5, 5167-5167. doi: 10.1038/ncomms6167
  • Chen, H.; Xiao, L.; Anraku, Y.; Mi, P.; Liu, X.; Cabral, H.; Inoue, A.; Nomoto, T.; Kishimura, A.; Nishiyama, N. et al. Polyion Complex Vesicles for Photoinduced Intracellular Delivery of Amphiphilic Photosensitizer. Journal of the American Chemical Society2014, 136(1), 157-163. doi:10.1021/ja406992w
  • Albertazzi, L.; Martinez-Veracoechea, F.J.; Leenders, C.M.A.; Voets, I.K.; Frenkel, D.; Meijer, E.W.Spatiotemporal control and superselectivity in supramolecular polymers using multivalency.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2013, 110(30), 12203-12208. doi:10.1073/pnas.1303109110
  • Cheng, M.-C.; Leske, A.T.; Matsuoka, T.; Kim, B.C.; Lee, J.; Burns, M.A.; Takayama, S.; Biteen, J.S. Super-Resolution Imaging of PDMS Nanochannels by Single-Molecule Micelle-Assisted Blink Microscopy.The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2013, 117(16), 4406-4411. doi: 10.1021/jp307635v
  • Haller, A.; Altman, R.B.; Souliere, M.F.; Blanchard, S.C.; Micura, R. Folding and ligand recognition of the TPP riboswitch aptamer at single-molecule resolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2013, 110(11), 4188-4193. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1218062110
  • He, H.; Chen, S.; Zhou, J.; Dou, Y.; Song, L.; Che, L.; Zhou, X.; Chen, X.; Jia, Y.; Zhang, J. et al.Cyclodextrin-derived pH-responsive nanoparticles for delivery of paclitaxel. Biomaterials2013, 34(21), 5344-5358. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.03.068
  • Rimpelová, S.; B?íza, T.; Králová, J.; Záruba, K.; Kejík, Z.; Císa?ová, I.; Martásek, P.; Ruml, T.; Král, V.Rational Design of Chemical Ligands for Selective Mitochondrial Targeting. Bioconjugate Chemistry,2013, 24(9), 1445-1454. doi: 10.1021/bc400291f
  • Soulière, M.F.; Altman, R.B.; Schwarz, V.; Haller, A.; Blanchard, S.C.; Micura, R. Tuning a riboswitch response through structural extension of a pseudoknot. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2013, 110(35), E3256-E3264. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1304585110
  • Yang, H.; Mao, H.; Wan, Z.; Zhu, A.; Guo, M.; Li, Y.; Li, X.; Wan, J.; Yang, X.; Shuai, X. et al. Micelles assembled with carbocyanine dyes for theranostic near-infrared fluorescent cancer imaging and photothermal therapy. Biomaterials2013, 34(36), 9124-9133. doi: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.08.022
  • Pecqueur, L.; Duellberg, C.; Dreier, B.; Jiang, Q.; Wang, C.; Pluckthun, A.; Surrey, T.; Gigant, B.; Knossow, M. A designed ankyrin repeat protein selected to bind to tubulin caps the microtubule plus end. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2012, 109(30), 12011-12016. doi:10.1073/pnas.1204129109
  • Sparks, J.; Slobodkin, G.; Matar, M.; Congo, R.; Ulkoski, D.; Rea-Ramsey, A.; Pence, C.; Rice, J.; McClure, D.; Polach, K.J. et al. Versatile cationic lipids for siRNA delivery. Journal of Controlled Release2012, 158(2), 269-276. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2011.11.006
  1. Chiang, W.-L.; Lin, T.-T.; Sureshbabu, R.; Chia, W.-T.; Hsiao, H.-C.; Liu, H.-Y.; Yang, C.-M.; Sung, H.-W. A rapid drug release system with a NIR light-activated molecular switch for dual-modality photothermal/antibiotic treatments of subcutaneous abscesses. Journal of Controlled Release,2015, 199, 53–62. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.12.011
  2. B?íza, T.; Rimpelová, S.; Králová, J.; Záruba, K.; Kejík, Z.; Ruml, T.; Martásek, P.; Král, V. Pentamethinium fluorescent probes: The impact of molecular structure on photophysical properties and subcellular localization. Dyes and Pigments2014, 107, 51-59. doi: 10.1016/j.dyepig.2013.12.021
  3. Bamrungsap, S.; Apiwat, C.; Chantima, W.; Dharakul, T.; Wiriyachai****, N. Rapid and sensitive lateral flow immunoassay for influenza antigen using fluorescently-doped silica nanoparticles.Microchimica Acta2014, 181(1–2), 223-230. doi: 10.1007/s00604-013-1106-4
  4. Duellberg, C.; Trokter, M.; Jha, R.; Sen, I.; Steinmetz, M.O.; Surrey, T. Reconstitution of a hierarchical +TIP interaction network controlling microtubule end tracking of dynein. Nature Cell Biology2014, 16(8), 804-811. doi: 10.1038/ncb2999
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