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簡介:世界**品牌resgen抗體代理2015原裝**,質(zhì)量保證,價(jià)格優(yōu)惠。 我公司作為resgen抗體代理2015在華銷售的品牌代理商,提供一系列的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、新穎、獨(dú)特的生化試劑,所有這些產(chǎn)品均具有極高的純度和高*的品質(zhì)。

商品詳情 參考文獻(xiàn) 相關(guān)資料
產(chǎn)品品牌:resgen抗體代理2015   http://www.201788.cn/goodsid/fenleisan/3242092_resgen/1.html
用resgen抗體代理2015產(chǎn)品只提供給進(jìn)一步的科研使用,不可應(yīng)用于治療等其他方面。strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom human Caspase-8ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Cathepsin S ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CCL14a/HCC-1 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CCL21/6ckine ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CCL28-001  Human CCL28/VIC ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CD14 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CD23/Fc epsilon RII ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CD27 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CD30 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CD40-001  Human CD40 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CD40L-001  Human CD40L ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CEA ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CEACAM-1 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom human cIAP-2 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CK beta 8-1 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CNTF-001  Human CNTF ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Conditioned medium, Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Cripto-1 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CTACK/CCL27 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CTLA-4 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human CXCL16 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom human Cytochrome C ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human DAN ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Decorin  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-DKK1-001  Human DKK-1 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Dkk-3 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Dkk-4  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human DPPIV/CD26  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human DR6 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Dtk ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human E-Cadherin ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human EDA-A2 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-EGF-001  Human EGF ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-EGFR-001  Human EGFR ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Conditioned medium, Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human EG-VEGF/PK1  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-ENA78-001  Human ENA78 ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Conditioned medium, Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-Endostatin-001  Human Endostatin ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Eotaxin ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-Eotaxin2-001  Human Eotaxin2 ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Eotaxin-3 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human EpCAM/TROP1  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human ErbB2 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human ErbB3 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Erythropoietin R (EPO R) ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-Eselectin-001  Human Eselectin ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Conditioned medium, Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-Fas-001  Human Fas ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-Fas-001C  Human Fas ELISA Kit For Cell and Tissue Lysate  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Fas Ligand ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Fas/TNFRSF6 ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Fcr RIIB/C ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Ferritin ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-FGF4-001  Human FGF4 ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-FGF6-001  Human FGF6 ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Conditioned medium, Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human FGF-7  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-FGF9-001  Human FGF9 ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human FLRG ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-FLT3L-001  Human FLT3L ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Follistatin ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-Fractalkine-001  Human Fractalkine ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Conditioned medium, Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human FSH ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Furin ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human Galectin-7  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human GCP-2  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-GCSF-001  Human GCSF ELISA Kit For Serum, Plasma, Cell Culture Supernatant and Urine  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human GDF-15/MIC-1  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
ELH-CUST  Custom Human GDNF  ELISA kit available on demand  1 X 96 well strip plate
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